September 2024

Any argument based on facts of any kind is reduced to a policy if the argument is value-based and/or subjective. This holds true for the so called scientific discussions in which the lack of refutability is often implicitly introduced by implicit assumptions or assumptions that miss refutability. The lack of refutability plays a critical role in a discussion when the reasons or assumptions for a statement rely heavily on statistical inferences. Why? It is because statistical inferences are based on data which could mislead them without much difficulty by data exclusions, intentional choices of data periods to be considered, misrepresentations of data, and in the worst case fabrications of data. Of these data exclusions is the most widely used approach for persuasive statements trying to lead the flock of people to a certain action that is to them desirable. Carefully designed data exclusions can bring any conclusions. One of such is the approach where respondents are intentionally excluded from the experimental group, while maintaining the control group without many exclusions, to reach a conclusion that favors a certain policy statement. There is no hope for a society not only failing to recognize an experiment in which the number of the excluded respondents in the experimental group is five times greater than that in the control group but also insisting the acceptance of such injustice as justice in the name of greater benefits.

Parallel worlds can easily exist even in otherwise a merely ordinary reality when an event or a series of events is recognized and interpreted in multiple ways by the respective groups of people with their attitudes being denial of asking questions. In an age when the world is filled with full of blessings, it is not unusual that the parallel worlds coexist for the event without much havoc even when some of the corresponding recognitions are not relevant at all. This is because the blessings act in favor of at least some of each of the groups unless the governing universal laws are broken among them or as long as such laws are still applicable. There have been several of such examples including the GLOBAL FESTIVAL we have witnessed in the recent years. This will not, however, be the case any more.

Since the termination of the release of “blessings” has permanently switched the regime of the universe from the one with options of utilization to the one without any, and since it has revealed the fact that in the previous regime some of the humans might have unconsciously utilized the released blessings with the ad hoc understanding of them and hence without any systematic one or just with an accidental one, any of the accumulated human thoughts of any kind since the beginning of the recorded human history are no longer valuable at all if one seeks a comprehensive understanding of whatever is about the universe including the then, now, and to-be ready “blessings.” This leads to a conclusion that anything whose authority or bloodline is based on whatever is associated with the human thoughts accumulated in the recorded human history is no longer useful at all. This means that any classical languages that have served as the medium of transmission of the ad hoc ideas are no longer valuable in themselves. Neither the so called classical works nor the classical languages that serve as their medium of transmission will ever survive again. Just answer the following question: why have the languages that must have preceded classical Greek not survived?

The age of no blessings can be interpreted as an age of cancellation. Whatever was intentionally modified by the intentional utilization of blessings (or for accuracy I would rather have to describe it as the intentional utilization of blessings according to the accidentally perceived quasi-systematized methods) will be canceled. In other words, anyone who has not been a beneficiary of the intentionally utilized blessings will not be affected by the cancellation as there is nothing to be canceled. Many of those who have been on the side of the taken-for-granted authorities will be canceled as those who are irrelevant in the age to come. The laws in the age of no blessings will be different from the ones that have prevailed in the age that is gone forever. One should seek and live a life of oneself that is suitable for oneself.