God Appearing as Laws that Hold True beyond Time and Space

Let us suppose that one falls from the second floor. This is a proof that God exists. Why? Because one falls. Everything is subject to the law of universal gravitation as found by Sir Isaac Newton. Any being that had existed even before human beings emerged, such as dinosaurs, would have been subject to the law. Any one, be s/he even an atheist or a communist, is subject to the law regardless of their religious views. The law exists and holds true beyond time and space regardless of the recognition or belief about it on the part of the human being. A law that holds true beyond time and space is a form of God that appears in front of any being. 

Such laws can be found in everything. 

What kind of existence was God when dinosaurs enjoyed their prosperous moments where there were no human beings as we know them? Is the existence worth being called God unless it can exist without the beings that believe in it?

God exists and governs everything without the beings that believe in it. 

Therefore, it is one's personal experience or realization that leads one to the recognition of God.